
School taxes direction

Did you know...

  • You have the right to direct your school taxes to the school board of your choice.
  • When you buy a home, rent lodging or move to a new address, your school taxes are automatically directed to the English-language public school system.
  • As a tenant, you have the right to direct part of your school taxes to the French-language catholic schools.
  • It is not required to have a child in the system in order to direct your taxes to French-language catholic schools and to elect school board members.

Why redirect your school taxes

Your school taxes help support the school board responsible for education of your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc. You also get voting rights during school board members' elections.

By directing your support at the Conseil scolaire catholique des Grandes Rivières, you:

  • Help support, protect and preserve French-language catholic education;
  • Increase the number of Francophones in the Ontario's government data base;
  • Help maintain the quality of the services offered in French;

Have the right to vote and elect school board members to represent your interests.

How to know where your school taxes are directed

To learn where your school taxes are directed, please call the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 866 296-6722.

You may also visit voterlookup.ca, where you will need to provide the following:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • City
  • Home address and/or evaluation role number (as shown on you latest property assessment notice)
  • Other information may be required

Redirecting your school taxes

To redirect your school taxes, you must complete the Application for direction of school support and possibly a lease.

What's a lease?

When one spouse is not a French-speaking Catholic or a Canadian resident, a lease must be signed between both spouses. This lease's only purpose is towards the direction of school taxes. It does not affect the ownership of the property in any way whatsoever, nor will it be registered.

For more information

For more information or assistance filling in the form, please contact Mrs. Francine Lacroix-Hoff, School Support Agent at CSCDGR:

Phone: 705 362-4337, extension 1

Toll free: 1 888 659-4337, extension 1

Thank you for choosing the French-language catholic school board!